Field Counts
This series is about my dad and what it was like to grow up with him and how we counted everything! From telephone poles, to olive trees, to cows, my brothers and I were five little researchers in training, collecting and analyzing data, testing theories, and coming up with conclusions. But really, this series is about how he loved us to the moon and back and how his love is stitched into every piece I make. I’m thankful for the 30 years I had on this earth with my dad.

Field Counts, 73" x 84" ©Susan J Lapham 2024

Field Counts 2, 81" x 78" ©Susan J Lapham 2024

Field Counts 3, 91" x 83" ©Susan J Lapham 2024

Field Counts 4, (not yet quilted) ©Susan J Lapham 2024